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Amya Johnson

The Making of a Math Maven


“She loves how fun and genuinely cool math can be.”

Sometimes, you don’t realize you love a subject until you discover you’re exceptionally good at it. That was the case for Amya Johnson, an eighth-grade star of Momence’s Math Team. Last year, as her class delved into algebra, she found the subject came easily to her, sparking a desire to learn more. Her aptitude for math led her, with some encouragement from her teacher, to join the Math Team. She loves how fun and genuinely cool math can be.

Amya walks us through some specifics of math competitions, like one particular event she participated in last February. She notes that competitions typically feature a mix of individual, pairs, and team events, along with special categories for speed and mental math. The latter challenges participants to solve problems in their heads without any paper and pencil. While sixth- and seventh-graders compete in speed categories, only eighth-graders tackle the mental math challenges. At the recent regional competition, Momence placed second out of fourteen teams.

We’re intrigued by the dynamics of how math teams collaborate. According to Amya, teamwork depends on the event. “It’s always good to have people who double-check answers and are effective team players,” she says. Even in individual challenges, such as mental math, students rely on each other to succeed and contribute points to the overall team score.

When asked about her participation in sports, Amya shares that she plays volleyball, track, and basketball, with track being her favorite. She specializes in shorter distances, leveraging her speed. A fast mind indeed complements a fast runner.

Having grown up here, Amya has been a Momence student since she began her educational journey. Perhaps influenced by the chilly February weather, she dreams of warmer climates for college. Arizona is a strong contender. At this young age, Amya is considering a future as either a lawyer or a doctor, acknowledging that both careers, especially medicine, require a strong foundation in math.

Krista Phillips, Amya’s math teacher, recognizes her student’s natural talent. Upon noticing Amya’s gift in seventh grade, she knew it was crucial to encourage her to join the math team. Participation in the math team offers numerous benefits, not least of which is boosting students’ self-confidence and exposing them to higher levels of achievement in school and life. Competing with high-achieving peers from their own and other schools is an excellent way for students to recognize their potential and envision their future successes.

Amya also shares why she’s interested in becoming a lawyer. She has excellent people skills, a strong sense of justice, and is persuasive in arguments. Dedicated to her studies and extracurricular activities like the math team and sports, Amya stands out for her commitment and willingness to try new things, even when they seem daunting. Reflecting on her initial foray into mental math competitions, she admits, “I was really scared because I hadn’t done it before, and it was my first time. But after some encouragement from my teacher and teammates, I gave it a try, and I feel like I performed quite well.”

There’s no doubt that this intelligent, quick-thinking, and hardworking student has a bright future ahead of her, both in high school and beyond.

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