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Ailee Evers

The Beauty of Mathematical Creation


“When I encounter difficulties, I listen closely to my teachers.”

Momence sixth-grader, Ailee Evers, suggests that math has always come naturally to her. “When I first started learning basic math in first and second grade, I quickly grasped the concepts,” shares Ailee, her smile conveying a blend of pride and enthusiasm. “I’ve always excelled at it. Participating on the math team seemed like a fun challenge, given my strong performance in the subject.”

The evening before our conversation, Ailee had participated in her first Momence Invitational Math Competition, representing her school in four events: pair, team, relay, and speed. Despite most of her friends choosing other pursuits, they’ve supported her interest. “I genuinely enjoy it,” Ailee admits, her tone reflecting both sincerity and passion.

In the speed event, Ailee competed individually, facing the challenge of solving problems under time constraints. Nevertheless, she found the team-based aspects of the Momence Invitational to be the most rewarding. “The practice sessions were intense, but I found my stride during the competition,” Ailee recalls. Her favorite moments came when she and her classmates united as a team, their individual strengths merging to achieve greater collective success. “Together, we completed the challenges.”

Beyond math, Ailee’s interests are diverse. She excels in athletics, particularly enjoys ice skating, and consistently earns academic honors across all her subjects. As a well-rounded student, Ailee’s affinity for math and science is complemented by an appreciation for the arts.

Despite her natural aptitude, Ailee acknowledges that math can be demanding. “When I encounter difficulties, I listen closely to my teachers,” she explains. Through persistent instruction and varied examples, she often discovers the missing pieces needed to solve complex problems.

Ailee’s curiosity extends to robotics, a field where she has already achieved recognition. She credits Mrs. Colevris as her favorite teacher, noting her pivotal role in Ailee’s participation in the First Lego League, where her team won an award for innovation. Ailee marvels at the intersection of math, science, and art, particularly in projects like the 3D-printed flowerpots that blend functional design with aesthetic appeal.

Though uncertain about her college destination, Ailee aspires to work for Lego as a master builder. Her experience designing innovative flowerpots has inspired her to pursue a career in designing Lego sets, potentially studying industrial design or engineering.

Math, Ailee acknowledges, will play a crucial role in realizing her ambitions. “I anticipate facing a lot of math in my future,” she says, her laughter hinting at both anticipation and respect for the challenge. For Ailee, it’s the “creative beauty” within math’s structured rules and limitations that captivates her imagination. “I’m fascinated by the pieces and the incredible ways people transform them into art,” she concludes, her eyes alight with the promise of future creations.

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